Product Highlights
Anu Solar is the premier module manufacturer and supplier in India. We have over 25 years experience in the solar market. Anu Solar was one of the pioneers of Solar in India. Anu Solar is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company. Anu Solar has set up state-of-the-art clean & dust free PV module manufacturing facility which can accommodate 200 MW PV module line and presently installed capacity of 10MW per annum in India. Our commitment to providing superior quality, highest efficiency, timely delivery and exceptional customer support has left a lasting impression among all of them who have dealt with us.
We have become one of the key players among photovoltaic module manufacturers having customers across India. Our modules have successfully passed all the stringent quality tests at UL Lab, the most reputed laboratory in the world and are certified for IEC 61215, IEC 61730-1 & IEC 61730-2. We are also well known for our commitment towards excellence, dedication, innovation, quality, technical capability in the solar industry.
Salient Features for Solar Panels
- High conversion efficiency based on leading innovative photovoltaic technologies.
- Positive power output tolerance, ensuring high return on investment by achieving high yield and high performance ratio.
- Optimal output over decades with high quality low light response.
- Anti-reflective highly transparent, low iron tempered glass for superior performance.
Write to us or call us at 9742002525/9986055429 for more details on the same.
Solar PV Modules