Anu Water Heaters have come a long way from their highly simple design a few decades earlier. As solar water heaters grow in presence and acceptability not just for domestic but commercial use as well, research to enhance their efficiency and heat absorbing capacity has increased. This has resulted in solar systems having different types of collector systems.
With 27 years of manufacturing, research and development Anu Solar Water Heaters are made of the highest quality materials and are BIS approved. All our collectors carry the ISI mark and are approved by the Ministry of New And Renewable Energy(MNRE).
We offer Flat Plate Collector Systems, Evacuated Tube Collector System and the latest addition has been Heat Pumps from Anu Solar which are compatible to be connected to Solar Water Heating Systems thereby increasing capacity and reducing the space requirement for Installation.
Heat Pumps

Heat Pumps
Anu Solar introduces the next generation of heat pumps with an intuitive digital display. The Heat Pumps are compatible to connect with Solar Water Heating Systems and can be used for applications where pressurized water is required and the demand for hot water is 24/7. The digital temperature controller ensures that the water is heated to the set temperature automatically and will only use electric power if sufficient heat is not generated by the heat pump and Solar Water Heater.
Product Highlights
- Low running costs and high efficiency. COP is 5 .
- Reduced capital costs.
- High storage temperature results in increased hot water availability.
- No potential danger of any inflammable, gas poisoning, explosion, fire, electrical shock which are associated with other heating systems.
- A digital temperature controller is incorporated to maintain the desired water temperature.
- Sacrificial anode rod provided to further protect tank from corrosion.
- High efficiency heat pump compressor ensures outstanding performance, ultra energy efficiency and quiet operation.
- Self diagnostic control panel monitors and troubleshoots heat pump operations to ensure safe and reliable operations.
- Compatible with different energy sources like solar panels, external heat pumps, boilers etc.
- Electrical heater back up. Electrical element is available in the unit as a back-up, assuring constant hot water even in extreme cold winter.

Flat Plate Collector(FPC) Based Solar Water Heater
The main use of this technology is in residential, commercial and residential buildings where the demand for hot water has a large impact on energy bills. Using hot water for bathing and washing purpose is both hygienic and helps in eliminating germs and bacteria. It also helps is soothing the muscles thereby improving the blood flow. It also helps in the prevention of Legionella Virus which can cause respiratory diseases. Therefore a hot water bath is both rejuvenating and therapeutic.
Product Highlights
- Storage Tank is made of Stainless steel SS 304L superior grade.
- Flat Plate Collectors are BIS approved and ISI marked panels.
- Superior Nalsun coated Cu-Cu absorber leads to absorbtivity of greater than 97%.
- Anu Solar is a MNRE approved Channel and maintains high quality and standards.
- Is ideal for soft water applications and can give an expected life of 25 years provided water quality is excellent.
- Flat Plate Collector Solar Water Heater is sturdy in design.
- Flat Plate collector system is ideal for pressurized supply applications.
- Flat Plate Collector systems are made of valuables metals like copper and aluminium and have a decent resale value.
- Systems are available in ranges of 100 LPD, 200 LPD, 300 LPD, 500 LPD and above
Evacuated Tube Collector(ETC) Based Solar Water Heater
The main use of this technology is in residential, commercial and residential buildings where the demand for hot water has a large impact on energy bills. Using hot water for bathing and washing purpose is both hygienic and helps in eliminating germs and bacteria. It also helps is soothing the muscles thereby improving the blood flow. It also helps in the prevention of Legionella Virus which can cause respiratory diseases. Therefore a hot water bath is both rejuvenating and therapeutic. The ETC systems have superior incidence angle modifier, so it collects solar energy more evenly throughout the day resulting in a lower buffer or thermal storage requirement.
Product Highlights
- ETC systems are more efficient and therefore occupies lesser space
- ETC systems are more economical in cost
- ETC systems are ideal for hard water applications
- Storage Tank is made of Stainless steel SS 304L superior grade.
- Minimum heat loss during night due to
- 3 target coated Evacuated tubes leads to maximum heat absorbtivity of greater than 98% and the vacuum technology employed ensures minimum heat loss during night time.
- Easy to install and maintain.
- Can give an expected life of 15 years provided water quality is good.
- Systems with assistant tanks also available which eliminates the need for air-vent.
- Systems are available in ranges of 100 LPD, 150 LPD, 200 LPD, 250 LPD, 500 LPD and above.